Cu o experienta de peste 10 ani pe piata de business din Romania, livram programme de formare în comunicare, management si
leadership relational, adaptate nevoilor fiecarui client. Colaborarea cu noi pune in centrul atentiei omul si relatiile din cadrul organizatiei si din afara ei.
Communicate your way

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Nu ma asteptam sa descopar atat de multe lucruri intr-un mod atat de ludic, de usor, de „la indemana”! M-am inscris deja la inca un curs de dezvoltare personala sustinut de Antonia Noël!

Antonia este un trainer profesionist. Nu numai ca are expertiza unui trainer ci si intruneste toate calitatile ce definesc un trainer exceptional. Am cunoscut un numar suficient de traineri pentru a o pune pe Antonia la un nivel de top ca valoare. Recomand cursul ei deoarece se bazeaza pe situatii concrete si poti vizualiza conceptele comunicate.

During the sessions attended I have discovered a special way of communication based on a great method which teach us the benefice effects of the words, spoken in a different way. Due to relational communication method people are able to create better relationships, a specific bond which help us to develop our self-inner. Personally, I benefit a lot from attended her classes and I do recommend this trainings to anybody who wish to develop good professional relationships.

I consider the training as a key element in actual management (approx. 2% from salary founds) and from my previous training experiences, no one was so well recognized and embraced by my teams as was your training. I consider that your participative approach and your way of communicating with trainees during these sessions was the central key of your success; my colleagues appreciated these sessions and the majority thanked me for them, asking me “ when is going be the next workshop?”, whereas usually we need sessions of debriefing.

Dear Antonia, Thank you so much for motivating and inspiring ou r Sales team. People are still buzzing about your powerful program. It was a really successful day and motivated for the team. Your preparation, delivery, reliability and dedication were outstanding. Our team feels about you as a patient trainer who knows how to work smarter and harder; attentive and who knows how to find different ways to work with all. Your professionalism, knowledge and flexibility set you apart from others in this field. Your personality and encouragement earned full respect of our team. Congratulation on a job well done!

Marturisesc faptul ca am invatat anumite lucruri foarte utile si sunt sigur de comportamentul meu pe viitor atat profesional cat si personal. La aceasta formare la care am participat alaturi de echipa, am realizat faptul ca intotdeauna e loc de mai bine si de mai multa rabdare,intelegere si atentie fata de colegii nostri,chiar daca asta nu ne caracterizeaza si poate nu era in stilul nostru pana la momentul formarii. Intotdeauna,omul, chiar daca ne greseste si nu corespunde standardelor noastre trebuie inteles si pus pe primul loc inaintea oricarui lucru.

Iti multumesc foarte mult pentru cele aproape 3 zile de formare. Pentru mine au fost ca o revelatie. Cu siguranta comunicarea nu va mai fi la fel ca pana acum.

Cand o persoana iubeste ceea ce face, o face cu pasiune si implicare. S-a vazut acest lucru in cele doua sesiuni de training pe care le-am derulat cu tine.
Ne vedem la anul pentru modulul 3 !